About Me.

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+31 6 47758559

Jessica van Rüschen


Born in June of 1976 in Germany.
Growing up with two brothers, one older, one younger.

As only girl, I never felt very identified with gender. I just was one of three.
I thought I was an Alien, somehow felt that I did not fit in the culture and looked for a possible ‘why’.
Tried many things to fit in, especially by observing others. These observations left me with many questions about our motives and hidden agendas and a strong interest in the complexities of our personalities.
I consider the ability to ‘look at’ yourself and each other a key value in my work.

Played outside a lot. In the country side (it takes a village to raise a child) the sense of freedom was something I am still very grateful for.
Loved books, movies, music, friends and everything that suggested layers of reality.
Loved being anywhere other than home. Although home was good. I just liked the adventure.

Graduated with Abitur and left Germany to study at the University of Music and Dance in Rotterdam. I danced professionally for twenty years which I probably started because I did not know what to do with my body.
Seeing any reflection of myself I used to be surprised that that image would be what others referred to as ‘me’. What I saw in my reflection did not represent at all what I felt inside. It did not suit who I felt I was, as I felt endless, a possibility, and that body felt way to concrete. Using my body for expression through movement bridged that inside-outside discontinuum.

My interest in moving images brought me to build my own company for video productions. As an autodidact I have spend years learning and improving various skills. On this site you will find material in different stages of ‘Know How’.

I started choreographing in 2013.
My movement language could be characterised by a nerdy love for detail and awareness.
My aim in choreography is to capture concrete content in a multilayered abstract physicality that speaks to the associative body and therefore touches that spot of recognition where emotions arise.

I love to observe. My mind wants to understand interaction of matter, complexity of nature, layers of human motives.
At the same time I am aware that my mind is not the one creating. The mind can do many things well but play is not one of them.
Using my observations I’d like to create art that matters to me, enhances consciousness and eventually inspires action.

‘Ik wil de schoonheid van de mens aanschouwen, zijn doen en laten door mij heen laten trekken en kijken wat er in mij achterblijft.’




Breda, Camera College, Cinematografie 2023-2024

Rotterdam, Con Amore, Western Medicine Fundamentals 2022-2023

Kikov, Ilan Lev Method Movement Teacher 2022

Kikov, Ilan Lev Method Practitioner 2021-2022

Rotterdam, Hogeschool voor Dans en Muziek Dansacademie 1995-1999

Leer, Teletta Gross Gymnasium, Abitur 1995

Felix Landerer, Landerer&Company, Hannover / Panama Pictures, ’s-Hertogenbosch / Dansateliers Rotterdam / BEAR ArtEZ, Arnhem / Holland Festival, Amsterdam / TENT, Rotterdam / Generale Oost, Arnhem / Shirine Moerkerken, STRANGE Strategy&Change, Rotterdam / LAVA Collective, Arnhem / PatriciavanDeutekom Collective, Arnhem / SALLY Dansgroep Maastricht / Batida Ensemble, Geneva / Jens van Daele, Arnhem / Conny Janssen Danst, Rotterdam / Of Curious Nature Danse Ensemble, Bremen/Hannover / Piet Rogie, Rogie&Company, Rotterdam / Eleni Kamma, Brussels / Paul Sixta, Amsterdam / Olivia Court Mesa, Tel Aviv / Mirror Moon and Horses, Rotterdam / Maja Bekan, Rotterdam / Commedia Futura, Hannover / Authentic Boys, Berlin / Galili Dance, Groningen / Vloeistof, Tilburg / Baila Louca, Rotterdam / Vera Sander, Cologne / Suzy Blok, Amsterdam / Hochschule für Musik und Tanz, Cologne

TENT Rotterdam / HNI Rotterdam / Werkwarenhuis ’s-Hertogenbosch / Rotterdamse Schouwburg / Kröller Müller Museum Arnhem / Lantaren/Venster, Rotterdam / ITA Amsterdam / Theater aan het Vrijthof, Maastricht / Schouwburg Arnhem / Theater Bellevue, Amsterdam / De Melkweg, Amsterdam / LUX, Nijmegen / Toneelschuur, Haarlem / Schouwburg Groningen / De Regentes, Den Haag / Korzo, Den Haag / De Verkadefabriek, Den Bosch / Theater de lieve Vrouw, Amersfoort / Theater Kikker, Utrecht / Museum Van Bommel Van Dam, Venlo / Festival Interplay, Turino / divers theatres in Peking, Shanghai, Guangzhou


Curriculum Vitae . Jessica van Rüschen 

born on the 24th of June 1976 in Leer, Germany

Courzandseweg 38, 3089PE Rotterdam

 (+31) 06 477 58 559




2024:            Camera College Breda, Cinematography
2022-2023: Higher Professional Training (HBO) in Western Medicine Fundamentals
1995-1999:   Rotterdamse Dansacademie, Academy for Music and Theatre Rotterdam
:              Abitur, Teletta-Gross-Gymnasium, Leer

Dance . 1999-2021

Choreographic Experience

‘SHORTS’, research collaboration with Anila Mazhari, Landerer&Company (2024)

‘LIKE FICTION’, ‘The Pleasure and Pain of Not Knowing My Name’, Solo, Duet, Quintet (35min), OCN, artistic direction: Felix Landerer (2020/2021)

‘OUT’, Trio (55min), Landerer&Company (2019/2020)

‘How(l)’, Quintet (20min), Landerer&Company (2017)

‘Certain Doubts’, Solo (20min), Dansateliers Rotterdam, Rotterdamse Schouwburg (2014)

‘Us’, Duet (30min), Dansateliers Rotterdam (2013)

Performative Experience:

Felix Landerer, Landerer&Company (2013-2019)
Lenka Vangnerova (2014)
Simone Deriu (2013/14)
ConnyJanssenDanst (2012)
Itzik Galili, Galili Dance (2002, 2011)
Piet Rogie, Rogie&Company (2004/05, 2009/10)
Project Sally, SALLY (2005-2009)
Dansateliers Rotterdam (2006, 2013, 2014)
Baila Louca (2008-2010)
Vloeistof (2006/07, 2008/09)
VeraSanderArtConnects (2004, 2009)
Paul & Menno de Nooijer, Station Zuid (2008)
Suzy Blok, Dana Nechushtan, BosBros Production (2008)
Jens van Daele (2007)
Residency South Korea, Seoul (2007)
Danskern Utrecht (2006/07)
Stephen Shropshire (2003)
Tanztheater Irina Pauls, Stadttheater Heidelberg (2002 – 2000)
Tanztheater Irina Pauls, Staatstheater Oldenburg (2000 – 1999)

Videography . Visual Art

Short Film/Documentary

STRANGE B.V. Video Report ‘Samen Leven’, 90min (2018)
Documentary ‘Normaal Doen’, 40min (2016)
‘Nieuwe Ouders’, collection of eight short films (2016)
Documentary ‘Stichting Phusis. Hoe houd je je intenties overeind binnen een georganiseerde wereld’, 55min (2012)
Short Film ‘STRANGE movie’, 5min (2011)

TENT Rotterdam Documentary ‘Anne Wenzel, The opaque palace’, 20min (2014)

Stichting Kunst en Welzijn TV-series ‘De Gesprekken’ (2010)
TV-series ‘De Rotterdamse Keuze’ (2010)
TV-series ‘Brusselbusje’ (2009)

Own work Short Film ‘Bonkers’ (2010)

2MoveDC Short Film, 18min (2009)

Visuals/Projections for Theatre Performances

Stichting Jens Van Daele: ‘About Lucian’ (dance performance, 2015)
                                                ‘Battre Le Fer/Noir’ (dance performance 2012)
                                                ‘Brides For Peace’ (dance performance 2011)

Piet Rogie:                            ‘Stardust’ (dance performance 2010)

Stichting Baila Louca:        ‘Convenient Actions’ (performance/installation 2011)
                                                ‘Decamarone’ (performance/installation 2009)

Panama Pictures/Pia Meuthen: ‘Strangely Familiar’ (dance performance 2010)

2Movedc:                              ‘The chronicles of Mr.X’ (dance performance 2011)
                                                ‘Echte Mannen’ (dance performance 2009)
                                                ‘Sisterhood’ (Portrait of the choreographer Piet Rogie 2008)
                                                ‘Hondengeluk’ (Portrait of the choreographers of Vloeistof 2008)
                                                ‘Odd’ (Portrait of the choreographer Pia Meuthen 2007)
                                                 ‘Brotherhood’ (Portrait of the choreographer Piet Rogie 2005)

Dansateliers Rotterdam: ‘Landscapes’ (dance performance 2009)


Pia Meuthen/Panama Pictures The Future is Not What It Used To Be (2021), Audio-Visual Installation, @ Werkwarenhuis Den Bosch

Registrations/ Trailer/ Teaser/ PR

Panama Pictures (2012-2024)

Patricia van Deutekom Collective (2024)

LAVA Collective (2022-2024)

Stichting Jens Van Daele (2005-2018/2021)

Project Sally (2009-2016)

Other commissioners, Videography:
Theater Generale Oost, Arnhem
Batida Ensemble, Genève
Eleni Kamma, Antwerp
Authentic Boys, Rotterdam
Olivia Court Mesa, Tel Aviv
Leine&Roebana, Amsterdam
Renee Turner, Amsterdam
2MoveDC, Rotterdam
Vloeistof, Tilburg
Baila Louca, Rotterdam
Meekers (Marta Reig Torres), Rotterdam
Dansgroep Amsterdam
Mirror Moon and Horses, Rotterdam


Own Work: Flyer/Poster ‘Certain Doubts’ (2014)
Flyer ‘Us’ (2013)

Stichting Jens Van Daele Flyer ‘Springtide’ (2012)

Piet Rogie Flyer/Poster ‘Stardust’ (2010)

Marta Reig Torres Flyer/Poster ‘Camino’ (2007)


Work mentioned under the header ‘Visuals for theatre performances’ has been shown in (selection):

Rotterdamse Schouwburg, NL
Lantaren /Venster, Rotterdam, NL
Schouwburg Arnhem, NL
Theater Bellevue, Amsterdam, NL
De Melkweg, Amsterdam, NL
LUX, Nijmegen, NL
Toneelschuur, Haarlem, NL
Schouwburg Groningen, NL
De Regentes, Den Haag, NL
Korzo, Den Haag, NL
De Verkadefabriek, Den Bosch, NL
Theater aan het Vrijthof, Maastricht, NL
Theater de lieve Vrouw, Amersfoort, NL
Theater Kikker, Utrecht, NL
NAI, Rotterdam, NL
Kröller Müller Museum, Arnhem, NL
Museum Van Bommel Van Dam, Venlo, NL
TENT, Rotterdam NL
Festival Interplay, Turino, I
Nottingham, GB
Peking, Shanghai, CN
Guangzhou, CN

Installation ‘The Future Is Not What It Used To Be’: Werkwarenhuis Den Bosch


Ilan Lev Method (ILM)

ILM Education, Manual Therapy (April 2021 – March 2022), Certified ILM Practitioner
ILM Education, Movement Teacher Course (October 2022), Certified ILM Movement Teacher

MBK (Medische Basiskennis): September 2022 – Juni 2023