Pink is crying. Blue – grow up. Pink glitters. Blue is sweating. Pink discovers lust – wrong. Blue discovers lust – right.
PINK OR BLUE examines – as the first double dance production by LANDERER&COMPANY – being female and male using the language of dance.
Warum ist es sofort klar, was die Farben Pink und Blau an Stereotypen transportieren? In welchen Spannungsfeldern stellt sich Geschlechtsidentität her?
Anila Mazhari, Jessica van Rüschen, Sara Enrich Bertran and Yi-Chun Liu join Felix Landerer in ‘PINK OR BLUE Part I’ in search of their own definition of femininity, their cultural and family influences and their inner contradictions. Aggression meets humility, hardness meets tenderness.
Four women who take on different roles in order to ultimately find their own position in this field of tension.
When am I PINK, when am I BLUE? And who claims that?
PINK OR BLUE (Part 1; Premiere: May 24th at Theater in der Eisfabrik, Hanover) has an all-female cast. The second part will follow in autumn. Then with an all-male cast.
Direction & Choreography: Felix Landerer Creation & Dance: Sara Enrich Bertram, Yi.Chun Liu, Anila Mazhari, Jessica van Rüschen Assistance: Simone Deriu Music: Christof Littmann Set: Melanie Huke Costume: Birgit Klötzer Photo, Video, PR: Marc Seestaedt Technichal Management: Oliver Hisecke Production: Achim Bernsee Assistant Production: Agnetha Jaunich Communication / PR: minusmalminus Office: Judith Elbeshausen
With the support of: Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Kulturbüro / Stiftung Niedersachsen / Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur / Stiftung Kulturregion / Kulturstiftung NORD/LB