Tag / commissioned

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  • Trailer ‘Euterpians’, LeineRoebana

    Editing a Trailer for LeineRoebanas’ ‘Euterpians’. Een ode aan de vrouw. CREDITS Concept, choreografie: Andrea Leine, Harijono RoebanaDansers en musici: Aika Goto, Benedita Crispiniano, Saoirse Lambkin O’Kane, Andrea Pisano, Timon De Ridder, Mariví van den Hooff (stage), Elizabeth Steele (stage), Elisabeth Hetherington (zang), Marianna Soroka (percussie), Maya Fridman (cello), Wiek Hijmans (gitaar)Tekst: Erik Bindervoet, Andrea LeineMuziek: Sofia Goebaidoelina,…

  • Registration and Trailer, VanDeutekom Collective

    Filming and editing the Duet ‘étude des hommes’ by Patricia van Deutekom. Credits Choreografie: Patricia van DeutekomDansers: Ronja Keultjes, Anna MikułaMuziek: Matteo MyderwykLichtontwerp: Remko van WelyTechniek: Alfred van der Meulen, Jorn KortoomsFotografie: Pien Düthmann, Rick van Woudenberg Duur: 27 minuten

  • Behind the Scenes @ ‘The Man who fell from the Sky’ PP

    Pia Meuthen, choreographer and artistic director of the company speaks about her motivation and inspiration for her piece ‘The Man who fell from the Sky’. Tarek Rammo, one of her performers, tells us a bit about his challenges as a performer in this piece and about how the dancers collaborate during the creative proces. Here…

  • Compilation Panama Pictures 2020-2024

    Panama Pictures creates performances at the intersection of dance and circus, where these disciplines seamlessly blend and engage in dialogue with architectural sets and live music. Dynamic, raw, and at times spectacular, yet simultaneously vulnerable and intimate. For this work I created a compilation of their main performances of the last 4 years.

  • Trailer and Registration ‘Tipping Point’, Panama Pictures

    Filming and editing the Trailer and Registration for theater dance production ‘Tipping Point’ by Panama Pictures @ Verkadefabriek Den Bosch. CreditsChoreografie Pia MeuthenDans en acrobatiek Tarek Rammo, Francesco Barba, Davide Bellotta, Fabian Krestel, Arvi Yrjölä, Candela MurilloMuziekcompositie Strijbos & van Rijswijk, Davide BellottaDecorontwerp Sammy Van den HeuvelKostuumontwerp Sanne ReichertLichtontwerp Bart VerzellenbergDramaturgisch advies Camille Paycha, Julian Vogel, Guido JanssenChoreografische assistentie en training Miquel de…

  • Registration and Trailer ‘The Weight of Water’, Panama Pictures

    Filming and editing the registration and trailer of ‘The Weight of Water’, choreographed by Pia Meuthen, Panama Pictures. Picture: Willem Rog CreditsChoreografie Pia MeuthenDans/acrobatiek Tarek Rammo / Petra Steindl, Francesco Barba / Kim-Jomi Fischer, Fynn Neb, Camiel Corneille / Yaniv Dagan, Lucy Steinfeld / Chiara Scharler, Róisín HartenLive muziek Davide Bellotta, iETCompositie Davide BellottaKostuums Sanne ReichertAssistent choreografie & repetitor Miquel de…

  • Registration ‘Dyptich. The Historical Present’, Olivia Court Mesa

    Filming a ‘one shot’ registration for the theater dance performance ‘Dyptich. The Historical Present’ by Olivia Court Mesa

  • Registration ‘La Despedida’, LAVA Collective

    Filming and editing the registration for the theater dance performance ‘La Despedida’, choreographed by Patricia van Deutekom and LAVA Collective. Credits Concept: Patricia van DeutekomChoreografie: LAVA Collective o.l.v. Patricia van DeutekomDans: Ronja Keultjes, Anna Mikuła, Marijn van der Sande,Naomi Schwarz, Patricia van DeutekomTekst & spel: Hanne StruyfMuziek: Richard van Kruysdijk – compositie, elektrische beats &…

  • Mirror Moon and Horses

    Creating video content for Mirror Moon and Horses within their research.

  • Behind the Scenes @ ‘Vanishing Point’ PP

    Filming and editing interviews with the performers and creators of ‘Vanishing Point’, a theatre dance production by Pia Meuthen, Panama Pictures.