Tag / registration
Registration and Trailer, VanDeutekom Collective
Filming and editing the Duet ‘étude des hommes’ by Patricia van Deutekom. Credits Choreografie: Patricia van DeutekomDansers: Ronja Keultjes, Anna MikułaMuziek: Matteo MyderwykLichtontwerp: Remko van WelyTechniek: Alfred van der Meulen, Jorn KortoomsFotografie: Pien Düthmann, Rick van Woudenberg Duur: 27 minuten
Registration and Trailer ‘The Weight of Water’, Panama Pictures
Filming and editing the registration and trailer of ‘The Weight of Water’, choreographed by Pia Meuthen, Panama Pictures. Picture: Willem Rog CreditsChoreografie Pia MeuthenDans/acrobatiek Tarek Rammo / Petra Steindl, Francesco Barba / Kim-Jomi Fischer, Fynn Neb, Camiel Corneille / Yaniv Dagan, Lucy Steinfeld / Chiara Scharler, Róisín HartenLive muziek Davide Bellotta, iETCompositie Davide BellottaKostuums Sanne ReichertAssistent choreografie & repetitor Miquel de…
Registration ‘Dyptich. The Historical Present’, Olivia Court Mesa
Filming a ‘one shot’ registration for the theater dance performance ‘Dyptich. The Historical Present’ by Olivia Court Mesa
Registration ‘La Despedida’, LAVA Collective
Filming and editing the registration for the theater dance performance ‘La Despedida’, choreographed by Patricia van Deutekom and LAVA Collective. Credits Concept: Patricia van DeutekomChoreografie: LAVA Collective o.l.v. Patricia van DeutekomDans: Ronja Keultjes, Anna Mikuła, Marijn van der Sande,Naomi Schwarz, Patricia van DeutekomTekst & spel: Hanne StruyfMuziek: Richard van Kruysdijk – compositie, elektrische beats &…
Registration ‘The Man who fell from the sky’, Panama Pictures
Filming and editing the registration of ‘The Man who fell from the sky’, choreographed by Pia Meuthen, Panama Pictures. Credits Choreografie Pia MeuthenDans en acrobatiek Francesco Barba, Davide Bellotta, Fynn Neb, Jefta Tanate, Tarek Rammo, Arvi Yrjölä, Yaniv DaganLive muziek Budy MokogintaMuziekcompositie Strijbos & van Rijswijk, Davide BellottaDecorontwerp Sammy van den HeuvelKostuumontwerp Sanne ReichertLichtontwerp Bart VerzellenbergDramaturgisch advies Julian Vogel, Guido JanssenChoreografische assistentie en training Miquel…
Registration ‘Trails and Traces’, Panama Pictures
Filming and editing the registration of ‘Trails and Traces’, an evening at Verkadefabriek, Den Bosch, choreographed by Pia Meuthen, Panama Pictures. During Trails and Traces, dance, circus, performance art and music merge into short poetic performances and installations, in surprising places in and around the entire Verkadefabriek.
Registration ‘Weight of Water’, Panama Pictures
Filming and editing the Registration for location dance production ‘Weight of Water’ by Panama Pictures.
Registration ‘Into Thin Air’ by Pia Meuthen, Panama Pictures
Filming and editing the registration of theater performance ‘Into Thin Air’, performed on location at De Doelen, Rotterdam.
Registration ‘Furia’, LAVA Collective
Filming and editing the registration of theater dance production ‘Furia’, by LAVA Collective.
Registration Worlding
Filming and editing a registration of Worlding: a interdisciplinary cooperation between painter Caroline Bijvoet, sculpturer Silvia B and dancer Yanaika Holle.