Tag / strange

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  • Guest teacher LIP, STRANGE

    Yearly I teach a physical workshop in the course of intervention expert Shirine Moerkerken STRANGE BV.

  • Guest teacher LIP, STRANGE

    Yearly I teach a physical workshop in the training course of intervention expert Shirine Moerkerken STRANGE BV.

  • Interview Bert Slagmolen

    Commissioned by Shirine Moerkerken (Strange I Strategy and Change) I conducted an interview with Bert Slagmolen (change management and consultant) about his perspective on social constructionism. Social constructivism or social constructionism is the theory that our experience of the world is (partly) constructed by social processes that depend on the society in which we live.

  • Stichting Phusis – Normaal Doen

    Stichting Phusis is an organisation who cares for mentally handicapped adults who have nowhere else to go. Shirine Moerkerken from STRANGE/BV accompanied Stichting Phusis to keep their intentions alive in an organised society. She asked me to create a short film, based on the leading principles of the organisation.

  • Over Onze Ouders

    8 korte films. Dialogen geïnspireerd door het boek ‘Hoe ik verander’  Shirine Moerkerken, van STRANGE | STRATEGY & CHANGE, schreef het boek ‘Hoe ik verander’ over haar professionele zoektocht in het vak van interventiekunde; over in het hier en nu veranderen. Ze heeft mij gevraagd om een aantal korte films te maken. Iedere korte film illustreert…

  • Bookpromotion ‘Hoe ik verander’, Shirine Moerkerken

    Short promotion clip for Shirine Moerkerkens’ nieuw book: Hoe ik verander. An interventional self-portrait of Shirine Moerkerken.

  • ‘Hoe houd ik mijn intenties overeind in een georganiseerde wereld’ Stichting Phusis