Film for Strange | Strategy and Change.
People don’t always manage to organize what they intend to. Strange helps to recognize and break through dysfunctional patterns in organizations.
Strange is a network of intervention experts who are constantly innovating and developing new approaches to contribute to solutions for social issues.
Shirine Moerkerken, founder of STRANGE | Strategy and Change, asked me to create a short film about the philosophy behind STRANGE. Together with Maurits Broekema and Boris van Hoof, we created the STRANGE movie.
- Actors: Maurits Broekema, Mariëlla de Jong, Caelin Polak
- Text: Maurits Broekema
- Video&Edit: Jessica Van Rüschen, Boris van Hoof
- Commissioned by: Shirine Moerkerken
- Length: 3.36min
- Year: 2012